
New studio at The Courthouse

Exciting news! I have moved into a new studio space in the historic town of Bushmills, Northern Ireland. It’s in one of a number of units in a building called The Courthouse, which had been derelict for many years and has now been restored by Enterprise Causeway and team with funding from the Peace Project, to repurpose and bring it to life. I’m so looking forward to creating new paintings here and working alongside other local businesses. Open from 5th November, 2024, Mon, Thurs, Fri & Sat 10-5pm.

‘Happy Place’ exhibition at Artsnug, showing new paintings inspired by textures and colours of local peatland, 1st-16th June, 2024

“My ‘Happy Place’ paintings take inspiration from the peat bog nearby that my grandparents would have harvested their winter fuel from. This area has always been referred to simply as 'the moss' as it's covered in vibrant green mosses, and an abundance of heather, with a fringe of pine trees, rhododendron and silver birch, and is teeming with wildlife.”

Open house exhibition

It was great to exhibit this framed piece, ‘Violet Butterfly’ as part of the Brighton Festival, May 2018. It was on display at an Open House curated and run by Jehane Boden Spiers. 

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